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domingo, 27 de abril de 2014



Imagina una conversación entre dos personas. El estilo directo se basa en decir lo que la persona ha dicho con sus palabras textuales y suele llevar comillas("). El estilo indirecto se trata de comunicar lo que otra persona ha dicho, pero no usando sus palabras textuales porque no te acuerdas o porque no es necesario decirlo exactamente igual.

El reported speech se centra especialmente en el estilo indirecto, informar de lo que otra persona ha dicho, usando tus propias palabras.Ej:
Directo: "tú tienes un e-mail"
¿qué te dijo Pedro?
Pedro me dijo que tu tenias un e-mail.
Para pasar de estilo directo a indirecto hay unos cambios de tiempos que nosotros hacemos sin darnos cuenta. Estos son:

Direct Speech
Reported Speech
"I work in Argentina"

He said that he worked in Argentina
"I am doing my job"

He said that he was doing his job
"We saw a good film on TV"

He said they had seen a good film on TV.
"I was dancing with Mary"

He said he had been dancing with Mary
"I have done this before"

She said that she had done that before
"I have been doing this for two years"

He said that he had been doing that for two years
"I will visit my mother"

He said that he would visit his mother
"I will be flying to Spain"

He said that he would be flying to Spain
"I will have arrived there by 5 pm"

He said he would have arrived here by 5 pm
 He said that he would have been selling books for two years
"I will have been selling books for two years"

Los dos tiempos que no cambian son
De condicional a condicional y de
Past Perfect a Past Perfect.

También hay otras palabras que cambian:

Estilo directo a Estilo indirecto
Now (ahora) a then(luego)
Here (aquí) a there(allí)
Yesterday a the day before
Next week a the following week
Tomorrow a the following day
Today (hoy) a that day
Tonight (esta noche)a that night
Last night a the night before
Ago (hace) > earlier(más temprano)
This (este,a) >that (ese,a)
These (estos, as) >those (esos,as)

Los pronombres y determinantes cambian:
Estilo directo Estilo indirecto
I >he/she
We> they
You >I, she, he
Me >her/him (le)
Us (nos)> them (les,los,las)
You (te) >me (me)
Mine (mío)> his/hers(suyo)
Ours (nuestro)> theirs(de ellos)
Yours(tuyo,vuestros)> mine(mio)
My >his/her (su)
Our (nuestro)> their (sus)
Your (tu) >my (mi)
Anyone >someone

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