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martes, 25 de febrero de 2014



Se usa el pasado perfecto continuo (past perfect continuous) para hablar de eventos  que habían estado ocurriendo durante un tiempo en el pasado ó para acciones no terminadas.


I had been watching a documentary on television for 30 minutes.

Como formar el pasado perfecto continuo en inglés:


Subject + had + been + present participle
 She had been traveling for 6 month.
(Ella había estado viajando por 6 meses)

Subject + hadn´t + been + present participle
 She had been traveling for 6 month.
(Ella no había estado viajando por 6 meses)

had + subject + been + present participle
Had she been traveling for 6 month?

question word + had + subject + been + present participle
What had she been doing for 6 month? 

FUTURE PERFECT CONTINUOUS (El futuro perfecto continuo)

Structure (Estructura)

  1. Affirmative Sentences (Frases afirmativas)
Estructura  Sujeto + "will have been" + verbo principal.

Francis will have been living in Italy for 4 years by the time he finishes his studies. 

(Francis habrá estado viviendo en Italia durante 4 años, hasta que haya terminado sus estudios.)
  1. Negative Sentences (Frases negativas)
Estructura Sujeto + "will" + "not" + "have been" + verbo principal.

Francis won't have been living in Italy for long when he finishes his studies. 

(Francis no habrá estado viviendo en Italia mucho tiempo, hasta que haya terminado sus estudios.)
  1. Interrogative Sentences (Frases interrogativas)
Estructura "Will" + sujeto + "have been" + verbo principal.

Will Francis have been living in Italy for long by the time he finishes his studies? 

(¿Habrá estado viviendo Francis en Italia mucho tiempo, hasta que haya terminado sus estudios?)

Uses (Usos)

  1. Utilizamos el futuro perfecto continuo para mostrar que algo va a continuar hasta otra acción o tiempo en el futuro.

Jessica will have been studying English for 5 years when she moves to England next April.

(Jessica habrá estado estudiando inglés durante 5 años, hasta que se haya trasladado a Inglaterra el próximo abril.)

Will you have been living together for long before you get married? 

(¿Habréis estado conviviendo durante mucho tiempo antes de os hayáis casado?)

1 comentario:

  1. Good afternoon. I have a doubt, I'm student of english and I think the information about past perfect continuos is wront.... The first example say:

    I had been watching a documentary on television for 30 minutes. this, in my opinion isn't past perfect continuos because the action is over... I think the correct exercise or example is: I've (I have) been watching a documentary......

    I'm sorry if I'm wront..... thanks for yuor answer.
